New Ongoing Support Options

Things change. New browsers and devices are released every year. New versions of WordPress, PHP, HTML and CSS seem to pop up every other week. At Pepper Lillie we design and launch cutting edge websites, brands and online ad campaigns, but we can’t always predict the future. No one can. For that reason, Pepper Lillie now offers a variety of monthly and annual services to help keep our client websites running effectively and competitively if and when the times change. We’ll be happy to work with you to propose an Ongoing Support package that is tailored exactly to your site’s needs. Whether its site uptime/downtime monitoring, monthly traffic reports and analysis, maintaining best SEO practices to improve results, annual benchmark site reviews, annual user testing, technical improvements including speed and site testing, audits, site adjustments for new browsers and devices, content updates, WordPress and plugin upgrades, maintaining CMS security and performance, monthly site backups, blog and social media maintenance, mailing list maintenance and then some – whew! – we’re pretty sure we’ll have you covered.