Teddy P. Brains is an animated program that follows the adventures of Teddy and his cousin Tempest as they seek knowledge and fun on their missions back in time, through space and around the world.
Our business is creative web solutions and design services. We help businesses, organizations and individuals
operate more efficiently, more profitably and at the end of the day, just a whole lot better.
04.02.2019 Teddy P. Brains is an animated program that follows the adventures of Teddy and his cousin Tempest as they seek knowledge and fun on their missions back in time, through space and around the world.
05.29.2018 Ten minutes from Center City, the Main Line, and the Northeast, The Preston Apartments at Falls Center is a new community we helped with a logo and website.
02.22.2017 Gene Shields has over 30 years experience installing mosaic, marble, granite, ceramic and porcelain tiles. For them, we designed a new logo, brand and responsive WordPress site.
09.12.2013 For our friends at Meritage Restaurant we designed a new logo, responsive WordPress website, and a variety of print collateral including menus, inserts, wine and desert lists. If you are ever hungry in Scarsdale, NY, their New American cuisine is not to be missed.
07.02.2013 Philadelphia batting cages and entertainment center. We custom designed the responsive front end, WordPress backend and helped with SEO. The website is a big hit.
05.20.2013 Services, information and community involvement for early childhood education in Delaware.
06.07.2012 Blomstra provides jewelry that is handmade of the highest quality using natural gemstones, freshwater pearls, leather, sterling silver and 18K gold. The diverse collection has a distinct and clean Scandinavian style, blending classic and modern design. We used the quality and modern style of Blomstra, “to bloom” in Swedish, as guidelines for a clean logo, site design and user-friendly shopping experience.
06.06.2012 Formed in June 2009, OnePoint Public and Private Solutions provides professional consulting services for executives and organizations. We provided their web design.
06.06.2012 For our latest version of Petito Wine Selections, we brought the brand into 2012 with a snazzy and comprehensive site. Beautiful photography, dynamic motion and content really bring the site to life and help to celebrate these great wines.
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